Amy DeCaussin - Mapping The Seeds Of Our Future
As an author I've heard that working with artists can be a nightmare. My experience, on the flip-side of that, has been a delightful journey.
One of the artists I'm currently collaborating with is Amy DeCaussin! She's working on our seed packet branding as well as some of the curriculum cover creation. Currently she's authoring and illustrating a children's book about bugs in the garden that will feature the insects on our current seed packets as well as those upcoming.
Amy has many talents and it's difficult, as a layperson, to exactly describe her medium. Here is how she describes her work:

"My unique style is eclectic, uncanny, and above all fun, combining vibrant watercolor paintings with cut paper illustrations, dioramas, and stop-motion animation to evoke the beauty of nature and human connection."
Her artwork makes everyone curious as to why there's a Chinese Tree Shrew on the pepper seed packet, or an antelope featured with lettuce. And uniquely why the pheasant is surrounded by carrots of another color! She is also truly gifted at animation. See the link below to show some of her process ... and her innately joyous nature that I appreciate so much!
Amy has won many awards and prestigious gallery showings. Currently she's featured at a Gallery Exhibition with Scottsdale Public Art and wouldn't you know, her map of the world features our wonderful characters and more that will be the cover of the geography unit for our educational program. Here's a link to the information about that exhibit. Scottsdale Public Art
Our goal is to help children, adults, and families understand that in every ecosystem there is a cast of characters, all reliant upon on one another like the communities we need to conserve in our world, and Amy has been instrumental in helping to map our future! Congratulations Amy!