About Retired Gardener

We’re about being sustainable, and to do that we need to be regenerative. What’s regenerative gardening?
Regenerative is so multi-layered. Where do I begin?
To regenerate means to revive or to bring into existence again. Biologically it means to renew or restore a lost, removed, or injured part. From a physics standpoint the definition is to restore a substance to a favorable state or physical condition. Electronically, it means to amplify by relaying part of the output circuit into the input circuit. And I say YES, yes to all of it.
Regenerative is what they call a 'closed loop' system. I try not to bring anything into the ecosystem, or send anything out. I'm not completely successful at it yet, but closer everyday.
Seed Saving
We're also about saving seeds and adapting them to the warmer climates and weather. It takes several years for a seed to adapt, if they can at all, but the time spent in this endeavor is rewarding. To acclimate the vegetables and fruits we eat to a warmer and more arid climate is an intelligent way to think of our future food source, and by doing it in a way that we regenerate our soil to pull the carbon dioxide out of our atmosphere, sequester it into the soil where the biology thrives on it, is a better process than spraying pesticides and chemicals! All of our seeds are grown using organic practices and are open pollinated. Hopefully you'll find seeds here that you can plant for a healthy life as well.
Small Steps
A word about self- sufficiency. I don't think anybody can be totally self-sufficient. We need community and the help of others on a daily basis. However, we can make ourselves more self-sufficient by relying less on big box stores, large grocery chains, and doing small things to spend less in the process. We're all about giving you ideas you can apply incrementally that will add up over time and help make your power bill, water bill, grocery bill, etc less daunting and help our planet at the same time.
So stay tuned as we gear up and give you ideas one small step at a time.
Books, Workbooks, Educational Materials - Kids
Perhaps we should put less effort into demanding better quality poisons from...
Books and Education Materials - Adults
Our Educational and Gardening Materials For Adults Welcome to our website. In...
Gardening The USA Seeds
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