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Flower - Calendula Mix

Flower - Calendula Mix

Regular price $3.00 USD
Regular price $3.50 USD Sale price $3.00 USD
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Germination: 7-14 Days, Maturity: 50 - 70 Days

Planting Instructions:

Direct sow seeds in full sun 1/4" deep and space approximately 12" apart.  They will tolerate partial shade and in zone 9B and up it may be wise to plant where they get morning and early afternoon sun and late afternoon shade.


Calendula is not a fussy plant and needs little in the way of amendments or fertilizer, in fact they will bloom more prolifically when the soil is not amended at all. They can reach 15" in height and have a multi-branching habit. You can plant in ordinary garden soil or in pots as well. They do need good airflow to help prevent powdery mildew. Some use calendula as a trap crop as it attracts pests and then traps them in a sticky residue preventing them from spreading further into the garden. They look best when planted in groups. Calendula buds will close during the night and open again every morning. 


Calendula originated in Europe, in the fourteenth century and has been largely cultivated for healing properties. They are a favorite among herbalists and contain saponins which is an antimicrobial. It as also been prized as a natural hair rinse for natural blonds since the 16th century! Early settlers to America brought seeds from Europe and was also considered the poor man's substitute for the more expensive saffron. Petals pounded into a powder was often added to butter, bread pudding and cream for color and a bit of flavor. 

Calendula is considered an annual in all zones except 9-11 where it is touted as a perennial. 

Main photos taken in Susan's garden.

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Flower - Calendula Mix
Flower - Calendula Mix
Flower - Calendula Mix
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